


it's about time

in other news,

1 project
1 presentation
2 quizzes
4 finals
18 days until california



mediocre. mediocracy. too much of it lately

it's that time of the year again- midterms
I just wanna feel my limbs again!!

i keep seeing everything as a social institution lately and it's annoying as hell.
lots of thoughts lately- oh, yknow, just a little old me being all profound and shit
words are so inadequate. Not for just specific feelings, but for everything. Like, who decided that certain syllables and letters will encompass my experiences, my day, my feelings, and my thoughts? wtf?! if experiences are so personal to one, then how did we all decide as a collective mass, that we'll all agree to agree that the letters h a p p y and the syllables of ha ppy will mean one thing? ridiculous. Except how else would you communicate?!?!?!

religion is such a fascinating institution that I have a hard time getting over it. When things are just kind of interesting, I get over it real fast. Like, schools. It's interesting that people today feel so fucking compelled to learn so much- do they really like learning? maybe. but for most, probably not. But i understand the institution of higher learning, so I get over that.
But religion is in its whole other playing field. and I will probably never understand it, so i'll probably never get over it.

and that's it for my procrastination until 3!



fuck, I don't want to watch sabo die too.
