

Only after considering creating a tumblr for myself did I remember that I already had a blog- which looks a lot different than I remember it to look. And then I remembered that I also had a livejournal, a xanga, a linkedin, a fb, and a twitter account, all of which (except for twitter which is a really great newsfeed) I fail to utilize. Sooo, I didn't make a tumblr. And instead came here and was really surprised to see that Spencer and Steven had so regularly (or at least more so than me) blogged here. I guess I was the only one who never had bursts of creative thoughts at school.

So I looked through the older posts, and what?! Vegetarianism?!
How noble, but who the hell are you trying to kid...

Being home is so great and I mourn the three weeks, almost a month now I think, that have flown by. Those were good times, but my summer is flying by too quickly and I don't like it one bit. Without a real job, or internship, I feel like a big failure this summer, but at least it has given me a lot of time to just enjoy home. I forgot how nice it was to just sit in my own room and read for my own pleasure, at my own leisure! After being influenced by so many..."bad things" for the lack of a better description, having the freedom to hide myself away at home has been such a relief. For example, I have not bet any money on a single World Cup game and I don't plan on it either- although I would bet anyone 20 that Germany will beat Argentina 2-1. Oh, and I've had so many chances to be grateful for the California sun again, another luxury that I'd forgotten.

So I end with this video of an Asian beatboxer because he's really cool and appropriate for my return to blogger! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYnZxjBY6W8 Heehe!


sooty falcon chicks are so cute


what good am i?

when writing a facebook status, should the name be included and acknowledged grammatically?

For example,
"First Last
am going home tomorrow!!!!"

am i missing something or are these people just stupid?
i mean clearly, it is supposed to be in 3rd person.

from shutter island and sytycd

very interesting that edward daniels in trying to find andrew laeddis, was essentially trying to find himself.
AND when dr. cawley asks daniels what he wants to drink, he asks "what's your poison?"

what WHAT