
Yum, delicious!

So after spending the last three days doing nothing productive despite my mountain high work load, I read the new posts updated by the twins and laughed in that way where a slow grin spreads across your face and then your teeth show and then you kinda open your mouth slightly to laugh aloud and then the next phrase makes me go wtf so your face goes to a frown. Repeat 17 times, give or take three.

Anyways, catching up on sleep is always so delicious. I slept 13 hours in a row on friday-saturday and eight saturday-sunday. And in those hours, I've been having so many crazyass dreams that when my mom wakes me up I always hold some sort of sleep-talk conversation. Take for example, the one I had with her last night:

(So, here, I'm sleeping out on my couch because I fell asleep pretending to read As I Lay Dying)
Mom: Yoona, wake up. Go wash up so you can go to bed.
Yoona: Mhmm.
Mom: Com'on. Get going.
Yoona: No, mom. I didn't do it!
Mom: What?
Yoona: (really loudly and defiantly) I didn't do it.
Mom: ...
Yoona: YEAH. Take that.
Mom: okay, go wash up.
Yoona: I DIDN'T DO IT.
Mom: I know you didn't do it. I believe you. Let's go brush our teeth together, okay?
Yoona: OK. (I get up and go brush my teeth and a minute later, I'm like....Hi mom. Why am I in the bathroom with a toothbrush in my hand...?)
Obviously, this story was recounted by my mom who is so used to this stuff happening. And I have no idea what dream I was referring to when I so defiantly denied godknowswhat.

Sleep is delicious!

Speaking of As I Lay Dying, I want to admit that I haven't read the book fully at all. PHEW. That's right your mofos. I only found out in class on thursday that Addie was a little slut. I've only read up to page 61 out of 261. I just flipped to the end of the book to see what page it ends on, and I think it's interesting that it ends with Cash. I think I'll bring this up in class tomorrow and see how that flies. So I've only fully read and annotated upto page 61 and the rest of the book, I skimmed or asked people for summaries. And I've taken these bits of information to form general ideas, just found new ways to regurgitate the same information or I've formed strong emotional decisions about certain events or characters so that I won't sit there mute and dumb (no offense to those who do, since you guys get the grade even with out your participation grade).

ANYWAY (ooh, I think I put anywayS for the one up there. Too bad, I'm not scrolling back up.), yesterday, my parents made me bring three sheets of scratch paper, since I collect them religiously regardless of size, and sat me down with a map and made me draw my own. I didn't know where El Camino Real was and that got my mom pretty bad. The only street names I knew, I had to connect them to a food spot. Prospect=way back to school from MickeyDs, Frutti, Jack'sBox, Pizzamy<3, etc. Bollinger=Safeway, Burgerking. And that's where our sad list of lunches usually comes to a stop. Oh, Tacobell. Where's that. .............................................................................................................................Bollinger? no.
De Anza
no it's Bollinger. I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, so the test was really stupid and I just sulked through the whole thing.

I'm hungry, what's for dinner.
I need to read for lit and take care of hellllllllla physics shiz.


  1. I DIDN'T DO IT.
    and fml physics

    i just found out there are comments here because anorexic disables them. so whooo i can leave comments

  2. yoona the map t hing must be a korean thing because my mom said i don't get the keys to my car until i could draw a map to all the nearby freeways.
